Saturday, December 25, 2010


It's been a year. I looked at those New Years Resolutions and I only met one of them and that is move out of Vallejo. I don't want to lose the weight anymore because I lost 5 pounds and still looked the same. That's when I realized that I need to tone up what I have, and maybe then I'll be happy. Going to hire someone to help me out.

I do have a wonderful job now and couldn't be happier. I really need to update this blog more, I just simply don't have time. I see why other blogs go belly up now.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

search around here

Ok, Have you ever clicked the "Next Blog" button at the top of this page??

I did it today,and I tell you, there are some strange people out there. The first few clicks I get the mom's like me trying to keep people up to date with the family. Then I'll get the crazy people whose blog has no point, or they're super artsy but weird artsy, or they are about doing the nasty. Needless to say, be on the lookout. Not all these blogs are about normal things. Or heck, maybe my blog isn't the normal one and all the other one's are right??

But I came back to update my New Years Resolutions. Figured if I committed them to a public forum like this I'm more like to comply. I think I'm going to do them in the column over there --->

It's been forever

I haven't written on this thing in years. Last post 5/21/2008, today's date, 2010!! Can you believe that. Time goes by soo quickly. Maybe I can chronicle my studying for my national examination and talk about the family more.

Well, I completed my education and fieldwork on 12/18/2009. I officially have my Masters degree and have registered to take my national exam. The exam is rather intimidating and I'm scared to take it. I actually am supposed to be studying right now, but lo and behold I am on here procrastinating. As Ellen DeGeneres said "Procrastinate now because you wont have time to later."

Family update: Eddie working at a bank, being the best sales man that he can be. I don't think I'm biased but my husband is HECKA good at sales. It's just in his blood. I think because he's a social butterfly and can get out there and gain customer confidence to close the deal. I love him soo much and am reminded every day of how lucky I am.

My wonderful daughter is seriously the best daughter she can be. Pretty much daily she draws me pictures of her and me holding hands and things like that. I remember doing that for my Mom and then it all goes away. I'm putting these pictures up and will show them to her when she's older. She got straight A's her first quarter of school and has progressed to competition level gymnastics. She appeared to be getting tired of the previous level of gymnastics and now seems to like this level more. Perhaps it was time for her to move on.

Justin is in preschool right now. He only goes 4 days a week 3 hours per day but he's learning soo much there. I can say he is a different child then my daughter was at his age. He's 3.5 and still developing his language. He's supposed to have speech weekly but the program was short on therapist. So, his language is pretty behind but he's getting there.

Since I'm done with school and will work soon we plan to travel more and take family trips like we used to. Eddie and I will also return to our date nights, we've been slacking withthe one on one time together.

One big decision we have made is to not re-enroll our daughter in private school next year. We will be making the move back to Sacramento, and will be doing enrollment out there. Kind of scary since we don't have a place to live yet. Our tenants lease expires in October and due to this beautiful market we wont be able to just up and buy a new house. Only time will tell what's in store for us.

I'll try to update more, post pics more, oooh show off more recipes I'm loving cooking right now, and I'll just keep you up to date about our family. (Whew, if that wasn't a run-on sentence).

See ya!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Started field work

Ok.... this blog has been more about school and less about the Johnson family. I think I need another blog for school. I actually had a private one, that I was venting on but stopped working on it. Think I may get it up and running again.

At any rate, I started my field work at the local hospital. Experiencing Occupational Therapy in the hospital is A-W-E-S-O-M-E!! One thing I hated about the last 7 years of my work life is, I was all ways behind a desk, not moving. I like to be up, going here or there, working under deadline, teaching and advising people. The more I get into the field, the more I love it!

About the fam, J had his 2 year check up and I had a debate with the doctor over vaccinations. It's not that I don't believe in vaccinations, it's just that I don't believe in the schedule of vaccinations. As the parent, I should be able to educate myself and decide on the vaccination course. I want a doctor who supports my decision, and not one that thinks I'm a moron. I told him about my education history, and he changed his tune. At any rate, we've started another course of vaccinations, because now that he's two and I see he's developing somewhat typical I'm ok with continuing the process. You may be trying to figure out why I said 'somewhat typical', well, J's language is somewhat behind the norm. I personally know he's ok, but the doctor wants an audiology appointment just to make sure there's nothing extra going on. The doc also recommends going to the regional center for some speech therapy. We're going to set that appointment up after we see the audiologist.

Rey is doing great as well. We're back to working with her daily on her education. I'm at a less rigid schedule. Pretty much, I'll pull up a website and let her pick anything on it she wants to play with, but the games are reading or math games. Before we do that, I have her do about 5-10 minutes worth of phonics work. We're going on the word families for now, then we'll move on to blending letters such as 'th', 'ch' 'ck' as so on. When Ed gets home he asks her "what did mommy teach you today" to make sure she's retaining information. It's also a reminder to her, that she has to tell daddy and she all ways likes to impress him. I think that is what was missing when we used to work on it, the family teamwork.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Back home

We're back home and back to the norm. Rey went back to school today, Eddie to work, J with my Dad and me starting my fieldwork. My first assignment is 40 hours long in a pediatric setting. It's all ready beginning to be eye opening. I personally didn't think I could handle working with children. Anytime I hear a child is hurt I turn the channel or don't read the full newspaper article, but it's different in the school. The lesson I'm learning is I could work with children if I choose, but I'll know for sure if that's the field for me at the end of the summer. I'm also realizing that a lot of the information I learned in my classes is being utilized in the setting. One of the children has mastered palmer grasp, so which grasp is next?? Gosh, I have to review all that stuff.

At any rate, L.A. was super fun. I'm the luckiest woman in the world because my in-laws rock, literally. We were playing Guitar Hero and my Aunt jumped up and joined in on the fun. The all love Rey and J, and vice versa. We have to visit them more, I think we just get a little lazy on the commute down.
Ok, enjoy the pictures...

Friday, May 02, 2008

We need a vacation!

Well, I'm done with the 2nd semester of my first year of school... WOO HOO!! My family is soo supportive with my efforts to complete my Masters degree. I all ways remind my husband, and he rolls his eyes because I'm soo corny. I can't help it, I love him soo.

Needless to say, we needed a vacation. I find it extremely important to spend time enjoying life with family and hope others feel the same. We decided to travel to Southern California to visit relatives. We are currently packed into our Aunt's house and she can COOK, COOK, COOK! Who would've known, you go on vacation and get some good ol' home cookin.

Our adventure to see Mickey Mouse were dashed by Southern Cali traffic:( We did end up at Knott's Berry Farm and it was actually VERY nice! There weren't any crowds, the kids park is amazing, and its fairly inexpensive. One negative though (isn't there all ways one), the fried chicken there is supposed to be top notch. Well, it must be a very low rating pole because it was pathetic. It seems like the food was from the frozen food aisle of the local grocery mart. I can imagine when it first opened it was good, but it's horrible now. I wouldn't recommend that to anyone in the world.

Otherwise it was a very good day, the kids and husband are knocked out and I'm about to do the same. See ya!

Friday, March 14, 2008


Well, hello again! It's a wonderful Friday evening, and I'm here wasting time when I should be studying. What am I doing you ask? Well, isn't it obvious.... Blogging about my family, oh and I'm watching "Man vs. Wild" on tv. Pretty good show, my dad got me hooked on these things. I watch that "Survivorman" too; I sure the heck wouldn't survive so it's fun watching what someone else would do in extreme situations.

So, what else is new? My husand is out of town. He won a trip to Florida so he took his little brother with him and he's having fun away from home. I couldn't go because I'm in school and it's frowned upon to miss class. Aside, school is really expensive so I don't want my money to go down the drain by not going to school.

My daughter has actually been sick for the last two days, so I did take yesterday off from school. If I'm sick, I'm going to school, but if my daughters sick I have to take the day off. Fortunately, my neighbor watched her today, so I was able to get to class today. Her submandibular gland was the size of a golfball, so I'm glad she's getting better.

So, that's the update on the fam. Nothing really fun going on, just another boring day in our world.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Hubby and kids back from mini-vacation

My husband and kids are back home from a mini-vacation and I can say that I am sooo grateful. I missed them dearly. They were only gone for 2 days, but any time away from them is tough. My husband was nice enough to take them with him, so I could study for an upcoming exam I have on Wednesday. I can't even say I utilized the time well, but it was much appreciated.

Soo happy to have the noise and chaos back; soo happy to have my wonderful husband back. He says I'm too corny, but I can't help how much I love him. It's the cutest thing, I'll go to give him a hug, then my son will run up to him and get a hug in and then my daughter will join. We have family hugs all the time.

Yeah, I know; it's corny, but it makes me happy.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

I'm a hustla!

The last time I posted on this thing was about 2 years ago, and I actually had 10 views! Wow, a one sentence post gets 10 views?! So, since this post is going to be a little longer, maybe I'll get 10 views per sentence. We'll do the math at the end, then check back in 2 more years to see if it works. Only joking.

Ok, so what's the Johnson Family up to these days? My daughter is in Pre-School, she took her Kindergarten test and was accepted, whew. That's a load off, especially considering when she was four she tested at age 6 years 4 months of age. If you can't read into the sarcasm, I'm saying that we knew she was going to be accepted and should've been in kindergarten last year if it weren't for the cut off dates for elementary schools.

And our little son, he's soo precious. Learning new words daily, and being a mommy's boy. I'm ok with that. He follows me around everywhere I go, and has actually learned how to climb up on the bed and can climb out of his crib. We're going to start the transition from crib to toddler bed. He's more than ready, I just wasn't ready for him to be soo mobile when he wakes up in the morning.

As for the hubby, who is the BEST husband in the world; he's loving his job. Providing for our family, and putting up with me everyday. He's a real trooper, I don't know why I was soo lucky as to find him. I hit the jackpot.

For myself, working on my Masters degree in Occupational therapy. It's kind of hard to be a full time student, a full time mom, and a full time wife. Three jobs in one and they all demand my full attention, now that is a circus act?

I'll send more updates soon.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Hello blogger world, Maybe I can have fun doing this:)